
Showing posts from September, 2018

Meow Academy Finance

Meow Academy, Finance: Finances Chairs: £114.48 (x 5 = £457.92) Workspace: £450 per month, Soho, London (2 years = £10,800) Hardware and Software: Game maker Developer edition: £99 (x 4 = £396) Photoshop: £240 Premiere Pro: £479.28 After effects: £479.76 Wacom Cintiq Pro 24 Creative: £2,199.00 £2,489.99* (x4 £9,959.96) £349.99 (£1,399.96 for 4)

How? - Pre-Production concept assistance

Slide Idea & Setting Story - Talk about the world, the playstlyle/view, gear/equipment, detail the NPCs, morality (Good - Evil, Dark - Light etc), Classes (Paladin, Knight, Scout etc) Character - 'Roughs' creates, these are rough Difficulty Platform - The design of the game itself should be tailered to a certain platform, or multiple. Notably: Console PC Platform Software - Games development, what software is needed? Gamemaker, Unity, Unreal 4 etc Sogtware you are not using. Examples of similar games Finances Detail the finances of what you'll need, such as Chairs, PC Specs, Software + Hardware, Coffee etc. Premises is a big one, along with personnel, the roles and the pay. (Dry + Wet hire, daily wages) Dry Hire - Just the building Wet Hire - Company AND its personnel. Contributors - Speacialists, these could be designers, programmers, music mixers etc. Total Costs Sources of Finance How do you get funds? Kickstarter, investors, stock holders, per...

'Meow Academy'

The concept behind the game itself is that it's a paraody of dating simulators/ The game itself has the player either being Adam Sandler or Kevin James, with secret and DLC characters to bhe added at a later You're character attends the school due to a unknown accident that happend at the previous school that got you transfered to Meow-Academy. So far, one character has been made along with their personality. This character is Nariko, a person who is full of energy and someone you would views as a 'starter' character. So far my involvment involves drawing the schools floor plans. On slide X, Y and Z I will explain, in detail, the main schools floor plans, detailing how a each of the players interactions will depend on the class

What we did

As of 04/09/18 we have discussed the concept of how a developor is, in a sense, in control of it's audiance by using a variety of methods, such as location, sound, atmoshpere and conditions. For example, the developer may guide the player to do a task, in which they may be taken through a dark and dimly lit street. By limiting the visibily for the player, their sense of hearing will pick up on more details. The sound of footsteps, distant music, barking dogs etc. Another way developers may do sucha  thing is by cutting the audio of certain sections, perhaps in a cinematic cutscene. During this time the brain will create the audio that it will recognise, filling in the blanks. For exaple, if the scene involves a firearm being fired, the brain will create such audio, if a car is screethcing to a halt or a person is running down the street the brain will attempt to make these sounds.